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Article number Year Description Documents
E5433 2008

De Luis, M., Raventós, J., Wiegand, T. and González-Hidalgo, J. C. 2008. Temporal and spatial differentiation in seedling emergence may promote species coexistence in Mediterranean fire-prone ecosystems. – Ecography 31: 621–630.

E5439 2008

Tautenhahn, S., Heilmeier, H., Götzenberger, L., Klotz, S., Wirth, C. and Kühn, I. 2008. On the biogeography of seed mass in Germany – distribution patterns and environmental correlates. – Ecography 31: 457–468.

E5442 2008

Vanschoenwinkel, B., Gielen, S., Vanderwaerde, H., Seaman, M. and Brendonck, L. 2008. Relative importance of different dispersal vectors for small aquatic invertebrates in a rock pool metacommunity. – Ecography 31: 568–578.

E5453 2008

Aukema, B. H., Carroll, A. L., Zheng, Y., Zhu, J., Raffa, K. F., Moore, D., Stahl, K. and Taylor, S. W. 2008. Movement of outbreak populations of mountain pine beetle: influences of spatiotemporal patterns and climate. – Ecography 31: 348–358.

E5457 2008

Kearney, M., Phillips, B. I., Tracy, C. R., Christian, K. A., Betts, G. and Porter, W. P. 2008. Modelling species distributions without using species distributions: the cane toad in Australia under current and future climates. – Ecography 31: 423–434.

E5470 2008

Ebeling, S. K., Welk, E., Auge, H. and Bruelheide, H. 2008. Predicting the spread of an invasive plant: combining experiments and ecological niche model. – Ecography 31: 709–719.

E5480 2008

Suominen, O., Persson, I.-L., Danell, K., Bergström, R. and Pastor, R. 2008. Impact of simulated moose densities on abundance and richness of vegetation, herbivorous and predatory arthropods along a productivity gradient. – Ecography 31: 637–646.

E5484 2008

Danovaro, R., Gambi, C., Lampadariou, N. and Tselepides, A. 2008. Deep-sea nematode biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin: testing for longitudinal, bathymetric and energetic gradients. – Ecography 31: 231–244.

E5490 2008

Betts, M. G., Rodenhouse, N. L., Sillett, T. S., Doran, P. J. and Holmes, R. T. 2008. Dynamic occupancy models reveal within-breeding season movement up a habitat quality gradient by a migratory songbird. – Ecography 31: 593–601.

E5503 2008

Spribille, T., Thor, G., Bunnell, F. L., Goward, T. and Björk, C. R. 2008. Lichens on dead wood: species-substrate relationships in the epiphytic lichen floras of the Pacific Northwest and Fennoscandia. – Ecography 31: 741–750.

E5522 2008

Krasnov, B. R., Mouillot, D., Khokhlova, I., Shenbrot,
G. I. and Poulin, R. 2008. Scale-invariance of niche breadth in fleas parasitic on small mammals. – Ecography 31: 631–636.

E5548 2008

Nelson, T. A. and Boots, B. 2008. Detecting spatial hot spots in landscape ecology. – Ecography 31: 556–567.

E5564 2008

Wichmann, M. C., Alexander, M. J., Hails, R. S. and Bullock, J. M. 2008. Historical distribution and regional dynamics of two Brassica species. – Ecography 31: 673–684.

E4954 2007

Romdal, T. S. and Grytnes, J.-A. 2007. An indirect area effect on elevational species richness patterns. – Ecography 30: 440–448.

E4956 2007

Southgate, R., Paltridge, R., Masters, P. and Carthew, S. 2007. Bilby distribution and fire: a test of alternative models of habitat suitability in the Tanami Desert, Australia. – Ecography 30: 759–776.

E4994 2007

Maraun, M., Schatz, H. and Scheu, S. 2007. Awesome or ordinary? Global diversity patterns of oribatid mites. – Ecography 30: 209–216.

E5005 2007

Fernández, N., Delibes, M. and Palomares, F. 2007. Habitat-related heterogeneity in breeding in a metapopulation of the Iberian lynx. – Ecography 30: 431–439.

E5025 2007

Qian, H., Wang, X., Wang, S. and Li, Y. 2007. Environmental determinants of amphibian and reptile species richness in China. – Ecography 30: 471–482.

E5032 2007

Davidson, A. D. and Lightfoot, D. C. 2007. Interactive effects of keystone rodents on the structure of desert grassland arthropod communities. – Ecography 30: 515–525.

E5041 2007

Raes, N. and ter Steege, H. 2007. A null-model for significance testing of presence-only species distribution models. – Ecography 30: 727–736.

