
Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.

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Article number Year Description Documents
E5763 2009

Schuldt, A. and Assmann, T. 2009. Environmental and historical effects on richness and endemism patterns of carabid beetles in the Western Palaearctic. – Ecography 32: 705–714.

E5783 2009

Herfindal, I., Tremblay, J.-P., Hansen, B. B., Solberg, E. J., Heim, M. and Sæther, B.-E. 2009. Scale dependency and functional response in moose habitat selection. – Ecography 32: 849–859.

E5785 2009

Chamaillé-Jammes, S., Fritz, H. and Madzikanda, H. 2009. Piosphere contribution to landscape heterogeneity: a case study of remote-sensed woody cover in a high elephant density landscape. – Ecography 32: 871–880.

E5789 2009

Engler, R., Randin, C. F., Vittoz, P., Czáka, T., Beniston, M., Zimmermann, N. E. and Guisan, A. 2009. Predicting future distributions of mountain plants under climate change: does dispersal capacity matter. – Ecography 32: 34–45.

E5797 2009

Bartel, R. A., Sexton, J. O. 2009. Monitoring habitat dynamics for rare and endangered species using satellite images and niche-based models. – Ecography 32: 888–896.

E5800 2009

Raes, N., Roos, M. C., Slik, J. W. F., van Loon, E. E. and ter Steege, H. 2009. Botanical richness and endemicity patterns of Borneo derived from species distribution models. – Ecography 32: 180–192.

E5810 2009

Zurell, D., Jeltsch, F., Dormann, C. F. and Schröder, B. 2009. Static species distribution models in dynamically changing systems: how good can predictions really be? – Ecography 32: 733–744.

E5823 2009

Brucet, S., Boix, D., Gascón, S., Sala, J., Quintana, X. D., Badosa, A., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T. L. and Jeppesen, E. 2009. Species richness of crustacean zooplankton and trophic structure of brackish lagoons in contrasting climate zones: north temperated Denmark and Mediterranean Catalonia (Spain). – Ecography 32: 692–702.

E5838 2009

Heard, M. J. and Valente, M. J. 2009. Fossil pollen records forecast response of forests to hemlock woolly adelgid invasion. – Ecography 32: 881–887.

E5856 2009

Baselga, A. and Araújo, M. B. 2009. Individualistic vs community modelling of species distributions under climate change. – Ecography 32: 55–65.

E5863 2009

Matthews, J. W., Peralta, A. L., Soni, A., Baldwin, P., Kent, A. D. and Endress, A. G. 2009. Local and landscape correlates of non-native species invasion in restored wetlands. – Ecography 32: 1031–1039.

E5957 2009

Willner, W., Di Pietro, R. and Bergmeier, E. 2009. Phytogeographical evidence for post-glacial dispersal limitation of European beech forest species. – Ecography 32: 1011–1018.

E6196 2009

Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Bini, L. M., Rangel, T. F. L. V. B., Loyola, R. D., Hof, C., Nogués-Bravo, D. and Araújo, M. B. 2009. Partitioning and mapping uncertainties in ensembles of forecasts of species turnover under climate
changes. – Ecography 32: 897–906.

E5470 2008

Ebeling, S. K., Welk, E., Auge, H. and Bruelheide, H. 2008. Predicting the spread of an invasive plant: combining experiments and ecological niche model. – Ecography 31: 709–719.

E5480 2008

Suominen, O., Persson, I.-L., Danell, K., Bergström, R. and Pastor, R. 2008. Impact of simulated moose densities on abundance and richness of vegetation, herbivorous and predatory arthropods along a productivity gradient. – Ecography 31: 637–646.

E5484 2008

Danovaro, R., Gambi, C., Lampadariou, N. and Tselepides, A. 2008. Deep-sea nematode biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin: testing for longitudinal, bathymetric and energetic gradients. – Ecography 31: 231–244.

E5490 2008

Betts, M. G., Rodenhouse, N. L., Sillett, T. S., Doran, P. J. and Holmes, R. T. 2008. Dynamic occupancy models reveal within-breeding season movement up a habitat quality gradient by a migratory songbird. – Ecography 31: 593–601.

E5503 2008

Spribille, T., Thor, G., Bunnell, F. L., Goward, T. and Björk, C. R. 2008. Lichens on dead wood: species-substrate relationships in the epiphytic lichen floras of the Pacific Northwest and Fennoscandia. – Ecography 31: 741–750.

E5522 2008

Krasnov, B. R., Mouillot, D., Khokhlova, I., Shenbrot,
G. I. and Poulin, R. 2008. Scale-invariance of niche breadth in fleas parasitic on small mammals. – Ecography 31: 631–636.

E5548 2008

Nelson, T. A. and Boots, B. 2008. Detecting spatial hot spots in landscape ecology. – Ecography 31: 556–567.

