
Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.

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Article number Year Description Documents
E4818 2007

Escobar, F., Halffter, G. and Arellano, L. 2007. From forest to pasture: an evaluating of the influence of environment and biogeography on the structure of dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) assemblages along three altitudinal gradients in the Neotropical region. – Ecography 30: 193–208.

E4823 2007

McPherson, J. M. and Jetz, W. 2007. Effects of species’ ecology on the accuracy of distribution models. – Ecography 30: 135–151.

E4181 2006

Romanuk, T. N., Jackson, L. J., Post, J. R., McCauley, E. and Martinez, N. D. 2006. The structure of food webs along river networks. – Ecography 29: 3–10.

E4203 2006

Kreft, H., Sommer, J. H. and Barthlott, W. 2006. The significance of geographic range size for spatial diversity patterns in Neotropical palms. – Ecography 29: 21–30.

E4259 2006

Dunn, R. R., Colwell, R. K. and Nilsson, C. 2006. The river domain: why are there more species halfway up the river. – Ecography 29: 251–259.

E4272 2006

Rodrigo, A. and Retana, J. 2006. Post-fire recovery of ant communities in Submediterranean Pinus nigra forest. – Ecography 29: 231–239.

E4483 2006

Van de Meutter, F., Stoks, R. and De Meester, L. 2006. Lotic dispersal of lentic macroinvertebrates. – Ecography 29: 223–230.

E4525 2006

Xavier, J. C., Tarling, G. A. and Croxall, J. P. 2006. Determining prey distribution patterns from stomach-contents of satellite-tracked high-predators of the southern ocean. – Ecography 29: 260–272.

E4596 2006

Elith, J., Graham, C. H., Anderson, R. P., Dudík, M., Ferrier, S., Guisan, A., Hijmans, R. J., Huettmann, F., Leathwick, J. R., Lehmann, A., Li, J., Lohmann, L. G., Loiselle, B. A., Manion, G., Moritz, C., Nakamura, M., Nakazawa, Y., Overton, J. McC., Peterson, A. T., Phillips, S. J., Richardson, K. S., Scachetti-Pereira, R., Schapire, R. E., Soberón, J., Williams, S., Wisz, M. S. and Zimmermann, N. E. 2006. Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. – Ecography 29: 129–151.

E4333 2006

Cruz, M. J., Rebelo, R. and Crespo, E. G. 2006. Effects of an introduced crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, on the distribution of south-western Iberian amphibians in their breeding habitats. – Ecography 29: 329–338.

E4442 2006

Focardi, S., Aragno, P., Montanaro, P. and Riga, F. 2006. Inter-specific competition from fallow deer Dama dama reduces habitat quality for the Italian roe deer Capreolus capreolus italicus. – Ecography 29: 407– 417.

E4448 2006

Johnson, D. M., Liebhold, A. M. and Bjørnstad, O. N. 2006. Geographical variation in the periodicity of gypsy moth outbreaks. – Ecography 29: 367–374.

E4520 2006

Campos, R. I., Vasconcelos, H. L., Ribeiro, S. P., Neves, F. S. and Soares, J. P. 2006. Relationship between tree size and insect assemblages associated with Anadenanthera macrocarpa. – Ecography 29: 442–450.

E4546 2006

Philipp, M., Böcher, J., Siegismund, H. R. and Nielsen, L. R. 2006. Structure of a plant-pollinator network on a pahoehoe lava desert of the Galápagos Islands. – Ecography 29: 531–540.

E4554 2006

Sharma, N. K., Rai, A. K. and Singh, S. 2006. Meterological factors affecting the diversity of airborne algae in an urban atmosphere. – Ecography 29: 766–772.

E4562 2006

Martikainen, P., Kouki, J. and Heikkala, O. 2006. The effects of green tree retention and subsequent prescribed burning on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in boreal pine-dominated forests. – Ecography 29: 659–670.

E4621 2006

Bahn, V., O’Conner, R. J. and Krohn, W. B. 2006. Importance of spatial autocorrelation in modeling bird distributions at a continental scale. – Ecography 29: 835–844.

E4621 2006

Spiegelberger, T., Matthies, D., Müller-Schärer, H. and Schaffner, U. 2006. Scale-dependent effects of land use on plant species richness of mountain grassland in the European Alps. – Ecography 29: 541–548.

E4787 2006

McCauley, S. J. 2006. The effects of dispersal and recruitment limitation on community structure of odonates in artificial ponds. – Ecography 29: 585–595.

E4802 2006

Fu, C., Hua, X., Li, J., Chang, Z., Pu, Z. and Chen, J. 2006. Elevational patterns of frog species richness and endemic richness in the Hengduan Mountains, China: geometric constraints, area and climate effects. – Ecography 29: 919–927.

