Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.
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Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
E4818 | 2007 | Escobar, F., Halffter, G. and Arellano, L. 2007. From forest to pasture: an evaluating of the influence of environment and biogeography on the structure of dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) assemblages along three altitudinal gradients in the Neotropical region. – Ecography 30: 193–208. | e4818.pdf |
E4823 | 2007 | McPherson, J. M. and Jetz, W. 2007. Effects of species’ ecology on the accuracy of distribution models. – Ecography 30: 135–151. | e4823.pdf s-programming-script_alogis.txt |
E4181 | 2006 | Romanuk, T. N., Jackson, L. J., Post, J. R., McCauley, E. and Martinez, N. D. 2006. The structure of food webs along river networks. – Ecography 29: 3–10. | e4181.pdf |
E4203 | 2006 | Kreft, H., Sommer, J. H. and Barthlott, W. 2006. The significance of geographic range size for spatial diversity patterns in Neotropical palms. – Ecography 29: 21–30. | e4203.pdf |
E4259 | 2006 | Dunn, R. R., Colwell, R. K. and Nilsson, C. 2006. The river domain: why are there more species halfway up the river. – Ecography 29: 251–259. | e4259.pdf |
E4272 | 2006 | Rodrigo, A. and Retana, J. 2006. Post-fire recovery of ant communities in Submediterranean Pinus nigra forest. – Ecography 29: 231–239. | e4272.pdf |
E4483 | 2006 | Van de Meutter, F., Stoks, R. and De Meester, L. 2006. Lotic dispersal of lentic macroinvertebrates. – Ecography 29: 223–230. | e4483.pdf |
E4525 | 2006 | Xavier, J. C., Tarling, G. A. and Croxall, J. P. 2006. Determining prey distribution patterns from stomach-contents of satellite-tracked high-predators of the southern ocean. – Ecography 29: 260–272. | e4525.pdf |
E4596 | 2006 | Elith, J., Graham, C. H., Anderson, R. P., Dudík, M., Ferrier, S., Guisan, A., Hijmans, R. J., Huettmann, F., Leathwick, J. R., Lehmann, A., Li, J., Lohmann, L. G., Loiselle, B. A., Manion, G., Moritz, C., Nakamura, M., Nakazawa, Y., Overton, J. McC., Peterson, A. T., Phillips, S. J., Richardson, K. S., Scachetti-Pereira, R., Schapire, R. E., Soberón, J., Williams, S., Wisz, M. S. and Zimmermann, N. E. 2006. Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. – Ecography 29: 129–151. | e4596.pdf |
E4333 | 2006 | Cruz, M. J., Rebelo, R. and Crespo, E. G. 2006. Effects of an introduced crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, on the distribution of south-western Iberian amphibians in their breeding habitats. – Ecography 29: 329–338. | e4333.pdf |
E4442 | 2006 | Focardi, S., Aragno, P., Montanaro, P. and Riga, F. 2006. Inter-specific competition from fallow deer Dama dama reduces habitat quality for the Italian roe deer Capreolus capreolus italicus. – Ecography 29: 407– 417. | e4442.pdf |
E4448 | 2006 | Johnson, D. M., Liebhold, A. M. and Bjørnstad, O. N. 2006. Geographical variation in the periodicity of gypsy moth outbreaks. – Ecography 29: 367–374. | e4448.pdf |
E4520 | 2006 | Campos, R. I., Vasconcelos, H. L., Ribeiro, S. P., Neves, F. S. and Soares, J. P. 2006. Relationship between tree size and insect assemblages associated with Anadenanthera macrocarpa. – Ecography 29: 442–450. | e4520.pdf |
E4546 | 2006 | Philipp, M., Böcher, J., Siegismund, H. R. and Nielsen, L. R. 2006. Structure of a plant-pollinator network on a pahoehoe lava desert of the Galápagos Islands. – Ecography 29: 531–540. | e4546.pdf |
E4554 | 2006 | Sharma, N. K., Rai, A. K. and Singh, S. 2006. Meterological factors affecting the diversity of airborne algae in an urban atmosphere. – Ecography 29: 766–772. | e4554.pdf |
E4562 | 2006 | Martikainen, P., Kouki, J. and Heikkala, O. 2006. The effects of green tree retention and subsequent prescribed burning on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in boreal pine-dominated forests. – Ecography 29: 659–670. | e4562.pdf |
E4621 | 2006 | Bahn, V., O’Conner, R. J. and Krohn, W. B. 2006. Importance of spatial autocorrelation in modeling bird distributions at a continental scale. – Ecography 29: 835–844. | e4621.pdf |
E4621 | 2006 | Spiegelberger, T., Matthies, D., Müller-Schärer, H. and Schaffner, U. 2006. Scale-dependent effects of land use on plant species richness of mountain grassland in the European Alps. – Ecography 29: 541–548. | e4621.pdf |
E4787 | 2006 | McCauley, S. J. 2006. The effects of dispersal and recruitment limitation on community structure of odonates in artificial ponds. – Ecography 29: 585–595. | e4787.pdf |
E4802 | 2006 | Fu, C., Hua, X., Li, J., Chang, Z., Pu, Z. and Chen, J. 2006. Elevational patterns of frog species richness and endemic richness in the Hengduan Mountains, China: geometric constraints, area and climate effects. – Ecography 29: 919–927. | e4802.pdf |