Ecography covers

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September 2019

The collection of dendrochronological samples for the study of tree rings in tropical forests is constrained by the hardness of the wood, limiting the use of increment bores...

August 2019

A male smoky rubyspot (Hetaerina titia), photographed by a citizen scientist and submitted through the web platform iNaturalist. This and other photographs by amateur...

July 2019

Due to their environmental stability and limited number of species and interactions, subterranean habitats are ideal experimental arenas for the study of eco-evolutionary processes....

June 2019

Phylogenetically distant and functionally convergent Arctic herbivores, rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) feeding on Svalbard....

May 2019

Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) feeding in shallow water. Shorebirds disperse propagules by gut passage (endozoochory), and their migratory movements facilitate long-distance...

April 2019

Army ant workers band together to form a mobile nest structure called a "bivouac" that is made out of their own bodies. Collectively, ants within a bivouac can warm, but ambient...

March 2019

A male willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in winter plumage, well camouflaged in the snow. In the Fennoscandian mountain tundra, ptarmigan is a medium-sized alternative prey to...

January 2019

Didelphis aurita (big-eared opossum, Brazilian common opossum) occurs in the Atlantic Forest coast of Brazil, to east of the lower Rio Paraguay and northeastern Argentina. This...

December 2018

The consumption of animal carcasses by scavengers, like these bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus), is a pivotal process in all ecosystems. Urban environments can provide...

November 2018

A turkey vulture Cathartes aura, perched on a branch. Turkey vultures locate carrion with their excellent vision and sense of smell and are daytime foragers due to their...

October 2018

We found high potential metabolic activity in this high-altitude salamander (Salamandra atra), which may have evolved for coping with shorter activity periods available for...

September 2018

Species communities in the tropical mountain forests of southern Ecuador are among the most diverse worldwide and many species interact with each other. One example for these...

August 2018

A huge male Aldabra giant tortoise in the Francois Leguat Reserve on Rodrigues eating the fruit of an endemic Pandanus plant species. There were no extant endemic frugivores large enough...

July 2018

An adult guanay cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii) at nest with its three half-grown chicks. The guanay cormorant was by far the most abundant breeding seabird in Peru...

June 2018

Caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) throughout their extensive Holarctic distribution encompass a broad variety of ecosystems that include temperate and mountain forests,...

May 2018

View of the canopy from the ground at the George Lake Permanent Sampling Plot in a mixedwood boreal forest of central Alberta (Canada). This mosaic is composed of photographs taken at...

April 2018

The opening up of new areas for benthic colonisation is an important effect of the loss of ice in Antarctic Peninsula. Particularly, in Potter Cove (25 de Mayo/King George Island, South...

March 2018

A reflection of the sky on the wide black water Negro River, the main north bank tributary of the Amazon River, which is a barrier to gene flow between vertebrates found on the Guiana...

February 2018

Copepods are the main group of the zooplankton in Mediterranean pelagic ecosystems, both in terms of abundance and diversity. Not only do copepods play a pivotal role in marine...


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