Call for papers - Disease Ecology
Submitted by editor on 21 October 2022.
Schematic illustrations of forest-derived infections. The left panel represents a forested pristine environment with colored dots illustrating the distribution of four different emerging infectious diseases (EIDs), naturally present in this type of ecosystem, and illustrated in this review paper: red dot is for Nipah virus, green dot Mycobacterium ulcerans/Buruli ulcer, yellow dot SIV and HIV/AIDS, and blue dot malaria. The four panels on the right part correspond to the four disease case studies as illustrated in the box text. These four panels show how deforestation, through the development of agriculture, human encroachment and settlement or bushmeat, may disrupt dynamic equilibria and interactions of animal hosts and their associated microbes, and increase EID risk for humans exposed to these new microbial hazards through recreative or professional activities. Figures for Nipah virus, M. ulcerans/Buruli ulcer and malaria, in addition to deforestation, illustrate also the role of rainfalls in the development of corresponding disease life cycles. From 'Forests and emerging infectious diseases: unleashing the beast' within -
Ecography is putting together a special issue on Disease Ecology, with a focus on the application of modern tools and methods from biogeography and macroecology to the study of host–pathogen interactions, including plant, animal and human diseases, as well as interactions between human activities and animal and plant pathogens emergence and spread. We are particularly interested in:
the assessment of risks taking into account human activities and practices,
advances in data collection and processing technology enabling real-time risk assessment,
novel uses of technology to forecast and manage diseases at large scales,
conceptual bridges, or important gaps, between animal or animal–human disease ecology and plant disease ecology and biogeography,
scaling issues and disease drivers operating at different temporal and spatial scales, and
the effects of global changes, e.g., climate change, trade, habitat homogenization, as important drivers of these host–pathogen systems.
Scientific contributions that address inter- and trans-disciplinary findings and issues at the ecosystem–biodiversity–animal–human interfaces within a context of global environmental changes are particularly welcome. Some examples include proposals covering: climate change and disease, biodiversity–disease relationships; land use change, biodiversity and disease. We welcome a mix of software notes, synthesis and research papers related to the special issue topics. We will also select one proposal for a study based on bibliometric analysis of the international scientific literature, which should use an evidence-based approach to analyze the trends and orientations of research in the three fields of research treated, i.e., plant pathogens, animal pathogens, and animal–human (vector-borne and zoonotic) pathogens, and using a comparative approach.
Open access image illustrating malaria vectors and hosts, from 'Forests and emerging infectious diseases: unleashing the beast' within -
This special issue will be edited by three guest editors, and two of our own subject editors, all of whom are internationally recognized-experts in the fields of animal/animal–human interface pathogens, disease modeling in animal–human interface pathogens, and plant pathogens, and using a macroecological and biogeographical perspective in their studies: Dr Barbara Han from Cary Institute, USA, Dr Jesús Olivero from Malaga Univ., Spain, and Prof. Treena Burgess from Murdoch Univ., Australia, Prof. Jean-François Guégan from IRD, INRAE and EHESP, Montpellier, France and Prof. Timothée Poisot, Univ. of Montréal, Canada.
We are also particularly interested in submissions coming from underrepresented geographic areas. Due to the level of scientific excellence that we desire for this special issue, we encourage applicants to contact the two subject editors (jean-francois [dot] guegan [at] ird [dot] fr and timothee [dot] poisot [at] umontreal [dot] ca) to discuss further the theme they wish to develop in their article, before any submission. Please submit your proposal by 31 December 2022.
The proposal should contain: a title, tentative list of authors along with their affiliations and email address, article type (i.e., review, synthesis, technical note, bibliometric study, original empirical study) and a summary of ~500 words, discussing on the originality/novelty of the work, and including aim, methods, and expected outcomes plus 5-6 important recent scientific references related to the work.
Please also note that once encouraged to submit a full paper (tentative date for announcement is expected to be the 2nd week of January, and deadline for full article submission 31 May 2023), your work will go through a regular peer-review process.