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Article number Year Descriptionsort descending Documents
ECOG-04899 2020

Crofts, A. L. and Brown, C. D. 2020. The importance of biotic filtering on boreal conifer recruitment at alpine treeline. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04899

ECOG-03927 2018

Crouch, N. M. A., Capurucho, J. M. G., Hackett, S. J. and Bates, J. M. 2018. Evaluating the contribution of dispersal to community structure in Neotropical passerine birds. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03927

ECOG-02376 2016

Crowley, B. E., Godfrey, L. R., Bankoff, R. J., Perry, G. H., Culleton, B. J., Kennett, D. J., Sutherland, M. R., Samonds, K. E. and Burney, D. A. 2016. Island-wide aridity did not trigger recent megafaunal extinctions in Madagascar. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02376
E4333 2006

Cruz, M. J., Rebelo, R. and Crespo, E. G. 2006. Effects of an introduced crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, on the distribution of south-western Iberian amphibians in their breeding habitats. – Ecography 29: 329–338.

ECOG-02567 2016

Cuesta, F., Muriel, P., Llambí, L. D., Halloy, S., Aguirre, N., Beck, S., Carilla, J., Meneses, R. I., Cuello, S., Grau, A., Gámez, L. E., Irazábal, J., Jácome, J., Jaramillo, R., Ramírez, L., Samaniego, N., Suárez- Duque, D., Thompson, N., Tupayachi, A., Viñas, P., Yager, K., Becerra, M. T., Pauli, H. and Gosling, W. D. 2016. Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns of plant community diversity on mountain summits across the tropical Andes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02567
ECOG-00299 2013

Cumming, S. G., D. Stralberg, K. Lefevre, E. Bayne, S. Fang, P. Fontaine, D. Mazerolle, F. K. A. Schmiegelow, P. Sólymos, and S. Song. Climate and vegetation hierarchically structure continental patterns of songbird distribution and abundance in the Canadian boreal region. – Ecography 36: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-04635 2019

Cunningham, C. X., Johnson, C. N., Hollings, T., Kreger, K. and Joners, M. E. 2019. Trophic rewilding establishes a landscape of fear: Tasmanian devil introduction increases risk-sensitive foraging in a key prey species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04635

ECOG-04485 2019

Cunningham, C. X., Scoler, V., Johnson, C. N., Barmuta, L. A. and Jones, M. E. 2019. Temporal partitioning of activity: rising and falling top-predator abundance triggers community-wide shifts in diel activity. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04485

ECOG-01369 2015

Cunningham, H. R., Rissler, L. J., Buckley, L. B. and Urban, M. C. 2015. Abiotic and biotic constraints across reptile and amphibian ranges. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01369

ECOG-02443 2016

Dahlin, K. M., Del Ponte, D., Setlock, E. and Nagelkirk, R. 2016. Global patterns of drought deciduous phenology in semi-arid and savanna-type ecosystems. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02443
ECOG-02131 2016

Dallas, T. 2016. helminthR: an R interface to the London Natural History Museum’s Host-Parasite Database. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02131
ECOG-03514 2017

Dallas, T. and Poisot, T. 2017. Compositional turnover in host and parasite communities does not change network structure. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.03514

ECOG-05164 2020

Dallas, T. and Santini, L. 2020. The influence of    stochasticity, landscape structure, and species traits   on abundant-centre relationships. – Ecography doi:   10.1111/ecog.05164

E7040 2011

Dallimer, M., Skinner, A. M. J., Davies, Z. J., Armsworth, P. R. and Gaston, K. J. 2011. Multiple habitat associations: the role of offsite habitat in determining onsite avian density and species richness. – Ecography 34: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-02604 2016

Dalsgaard, B., Schleuning, M., Maruyama, P. K., Matthias, D., Sonne, J., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., Zanata, T., Fjeldså, J., Böhning-Gaese, K. and Rahbek, C. 2016. Opposed latitudinal patterns of network-derived and dietary specialization in avian plant-frugivore interaction systems. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.02604

ECOG-00201 2013

Dalsgaard, B., Trøjelsgaard, K., Martín González, A. M., Nogués-Bravo, D., Ollerton, J., Petanidou, T., Sandel, B., Schleuning, M., Wang, Z., Rahbek, C., Sutherland, W. J., Svenning, J.-C. and Olesen, J. M. 2013. Historical climate-change influences modularity and nestedness of pollination networks. – Ecography 36: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-02663 2016

Dambros, C. S., Moraris, J. W., Azevedo, R. A. and Gotelli, N. J. 2016. Isolation by distance, not rivers, control the distribution of termite species in the Amazonian rain forest. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.02663

E5484 2008

Danovaro, R., Gambi, C., Lampadariou, N. and Tselepides, A. 2008. Deep-sea nematode biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin: testing for longitudinal, bathymetric and energetic gradients. – Ecography 31: 231–244.

ECOG-04307 2019

Dantas, D. D. F., Caliman, A., Guariento, R. D., Angelini, R., Carneiro, L. S., Lima, S. M. Q., Martinez, P. A. and Attayde, J. L. 2019. Climate effects on fish body size-trophic position relationship depend on ecosystem type. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04307
E6561 2010

Danz, N. P., Reich, P. B., Frelich, L. E. and Niemi, G. J. 2010. Vegetation controls vary across space and spatial scale in a historic grassland–forest biome boundary. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

