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Article number Year Descriptionsort descending Documents
E5975 2010

Willis, C. G., Halina, M., Lehman, C., Reich, P. B., Keen, A., McCarthy, S. and Cavender-Bares, J. 2010. Phylogenetic community structure in Minnesota oak savanna is influenced by spatial extent and environmental variation. – Ecography 33: 565–577.

E5957 2009

Willner, W., Di Pietro, R. and Bergmeier, E. 2009. Phytogeographical evidence for post-glacial dispersal limitation of European beech forest species. – Ecography 32: 1011–1018.

ECOG-04856 2019

Wion, A. P., Weisberg, P. J., Pearse, I. S. and Redmond, M. D. 2019. Aridity drives spatiotemporal patterns of masting across the latitudinal range of a dryland conifer. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04856

ECOG-02379 2016

Wittemyer, G., Keating, L. M., Vollrath, F. and Douglas-Hamilton, I. 2016. Graph theory illustrates spatial and temporal features that structure elephant rest locations and reflect risk perception. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02379

E7723 2012

Wittmann, F., Householder, E., Piedade, M. T. F., de Assis, R. L., Schöngart, J., Parolin, P. and Junk, W. J. 2012. Habitat specifity, endemism and the neotropical distribution of Amazonian white-water floodplain trees. – Ecography 35: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-03235 2017

Wogan, G. O. U. and Wang, I. J. 2017. The value of space-for-time substitution for studying finescale microevolutionary processes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03235

ECOG-03235 2017

Wogan, G. O. U. and Wang, I. J. 2017. The value of space-for-time substitution for studying finescale microevolutionary processes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03235

ECOG-03782 2018

Woods, T. and McGarvey, D. J. 2018. Assessing the relative influences of abiotic and biotic factors on American eel Anguilla rostrata distribution using hydrologic, physical habitat, and functional trait data. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03782

E7132 2011

Wu, Y., Yang, Q., Wen, Z., Xia, L., Zhang, Q. and Zhou, H. 2011. What drive the species richness patterns of non-volant small mammals along a subtropical elevational gradient? – Ecography 34: xxx–xxx.

E4525 2006

Xavier, J. C., Tarling, G. A. and Croxall, J. P. 2006. Determining prey distribution patterns from stomach-contents of satellite-tracked high-predators of the southern ocean. – Ecography 29: 260–272.

ECOG-02836 2016

Yackulic, C. B. 2016. Competitive exclusion over broad spatial extents is a slow process: evidence and implications for species distribution modeling. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02836

E4831 2006

Yamaura, Y., Katoh, K. and Takahashi, T. 2006. Reversing habitat loss: deciduous habitat fragmentation matters to birds in a larch plantation
matrix. – Ecography 29: 827–834.

ECOG-01994 2015

Yang, L. H., Ostrovsky, D. M., Rogers, M. C. and Welker, J. M. 2015. Intra-population variation in the natal origins and wing morphology of overwintering western monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01994

ECOG-00965 2015

Yang, Q., Wei, S., Shang, L., Carillo, J., Gabler, C. A., Nijjer, S., Li, B. and Siemann, E. 2015. Mycorrhizal associations of an invasive tree are enhanced by both genetic and environmental mechanisms. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00965

ECOG-02995 2017

Yannic, G., Ortego, J., Pellissier, L., Lecomte, N., Bernatchez, L. and Côté, S. D. 2017. Linking genetic and ecological differentiation in an ungulate with a circumpolar distribution. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.02995

ECOG-00812 2014

Ye, X., Wang, T., Skidmore, A. K., Fortin, D., Bastille- Rousseau, G. and Parrott, L. 2014. A wavelet-based approach to evaluate the roles of structural and functional landscape heterogeneity in animal space use at multiple scales. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.00812

ECO-00986 2014

Yeh, Y.-C., Peres-Neto, P. R., Hunag, S.-W., Lai, Y.-C., Tu, C.-Y., Shiah, F.-K., Gong, G.-C. and Hsieh, C.- H. 2014. Determinism of bacterial metacommunity dynamics in the southern East China Sea varies depending on hydrography. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.00986

ECOG-02306 2016

Yen, J. D. L., Thomson, J. R., Keith, J. M., Paganin, D. M. and Mac Nally, R. 2016. How do different aspects of biodiversity change through time? A case study on an Australian bird community. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02306

ECOG-03582 2018

Yen, J. D. L., Thomson, J. R., Keith, J. M., Paganin, D. M., Fleishman, E., Bennett, A. F., Nimmo, D. G., Bennett, J. M., Dobkin, D. S. and Mac Nally, R. 2018. Linking species richness and size diversity in birds and fishes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03582
E6651 2011

Yen, J. D. L., Thomson, J. R., Vesk, P. A. and Mac Nally, R. 2011. To what are woodland birds responding? Inference on relative importance of in-site habitat variables using multiple ensemble habitat-modelling techniques. – Ecography 34: xxx–xxx.

