New Subject Editor Morgan Tingley
28 February 2014Dr Morgan Tingley is a global change ecologist with interests in distributional ecology, community ecology, and climate change. He received an M.Sc. in Zoology from Oxford University in 2004, and his PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. After this, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the Institute for Bird Populations for 1 year, followed by 2 years as a David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow with the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy in the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. In 2014, Dr Tingley is starting as an Assistant Professor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut.
Dr Tingley’s research focuses on bird community ecology, and the environmental and anthropogenic factors that cause changes in bird distributions and assemblages over time. His research uses both presence-absence and presence-only datasets, collected from historical surveys and occurrence databases, to test for impacts of climate change, invasive species, and land-use change on long-term range dynamics and community processes. He is particularly interested in the myriad factors that determine a species’ space use, scaling from a home range to a species’ distribution, and how these factors change over time to result in range shifts.