
New Review Editor: Suzette Flantua

I am a researcher at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway. My interdisciplinary expertise spans the biosphere, cryosphere, geography, and climatology, reflected in publications and projects across fields and groups of co-authors. My...

The E4 Award

We are happy to announce an open competition for The Ecography Award for Excellence in Ecology and Evolution (The E4 Award ) for 2024. The E4 Award will be given to an early career research scientist (criteria below) who submits an exceptional Review manuscript that is...

New Subject Editor: Piero Calosi

I'm an marine evolutionary physiologist at the University of Quebec in Rimouski. My research is at the interface between physiology, ecology and evolution of marine invertebrates and aims at defining geographical patterns of physiological diversity (Macrophysiology) and...

New Subject Editor: Nuria Galiana

I am a Marie Curie Fellow at the National Museum of Natural Science in Madrid. My main scientific interest is the integration between biogeography, spatial processes and species interaction networks. My research thus focuses on the study of ecological networks and how...

New Subject Editor: Florian Altermatt

I am Professor of Aquatic Ecology at University of Zurich and Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. My research is centred around spatial ecology, with a focus on aquatic systems. I am especially interested in the study of causes and...

New Subject Editor Alistair Auffret

I am Associate Professor in the Landscape Ecology unit at the Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. My main research interest involves using historical data sources to understand how plants and other taxa have responded to the large changes in...

New Subject Editor Ylenia Chiari

I am an evolutionary biologist in the Department of Biology at George Mason University (VA, USA). My research uses an integrative approach to understand patterns and processes in vertebrate ecology and evolution. Research in my group covers two main general topics: 1. The...

New Subject Editor Elizabeth Le Roux

I am an Assistant Professor in megafauna ecology and restoration at the Department of Biology at Aarhus University. My work focuses on the diverse ways in which large mammals impact ecosystems, specifically in terms of structuring herbaceous layers and influencing elemental...

New Subject Editor: Guillaume Blanchet

I am a quantitative biologist in the department of biology at Université de Sherbrooke and I also have an affiliation to the department of mathematics and community health also at Université de Sherbrooke. For my projects in ecology, I am interested at finding new ways to...

New Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Dominique Gravel

Please welcome our new DEiC! Dominique Gravel is professor at the Biology Department of Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, and holds the Tier 1 Canada Chair in Integrative ecology. His research is at the interface between metacommunity ecology and biogeography. The general...

New Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Christine Meynard

Please welcome our new Deputy EiC! Christine Meynard is a researcher at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) in Montpellier, France. Her research focuses on spatial modelling and the relationships between biodiversity and...

New Subject Editor: Alice Hughes

Alice is a Professor and leads the Landscape Ecology group at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has worked extensively across the Tropics, and previously held positions in Thailand, Australia, Costa Rica, and the UK before moving to...

New Subject Editor: Gareth Williams

I am an Associate Professor of Marine Biology in the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, North Wales, UK. I am a marine ecologist specialising in coral reef ecology. My work focuses on the interaction of organisms with their environment, often taking a...

New Subject Editor: Jean-Francois Guegan

I am both a Senior research professor in disease ecology and evolution at the Department of animal health, at INRAE ( Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement ) and IRD ( Institut de recherche pour le développement ), and a...

New Subject Editor: Tamara Muenkemueller

I work at the Alpine Ecology Lab (LECA) in Grenoble as a permanent researcher employed by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). I am interested in a range of topics in coexistence theory, community ecology, plant-soil interactions and ecosystem...

New Subject Editor: Daniel Stouffer

I'm a quantitative biologist in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. My primary research program involves the application of tools and approaches from disciplines beyond biology, such as engineering, physics, or statistics, to...

New Subject Editor: Susanne Åkesson

I am a professor in animal ecology at the Department of Biology, at Lund University in Sweden. My primary research program involves studies of animal migration. I study movement ecology and navigation, and in particular, how birds have adapted to time their movements and...

New Subject Editor: Tatsuya Amano

I am a conservation scientist at the University of Queensland, Australia , primarily interested in how we, as scientists, can make meaningful contributions to halting the global biodiversity crisis. My research aims to achieve a less biased view of the biodiversity crisis...

Highly cited editors

We are happy to announce that several members on our editorial board have been awarded "Highly Cited Researcher" for 2019. This award is recognizing the world's most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers...

New Subject Editor: Susana Clusella-Trullas

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany and Zoology at Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch, South Africa. I received my PhD in Ecology and Environmental Science from Drexel University (Philadephia, USA) and moved to South Africa for postdoctoral research...


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