Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.
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Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
ECOG-04798 | 2020 | Ficetola, G. F., Lunghi, E. and Manenti, R. 2020. Microhabitat analyses support relationships between niche breadth and range size when spatial autocorrelation is strong. – Ecoraphy doi: 10.1111/ecog.04798 | |
ECOG-04773 | 2019 | Rovero, F., Ahumada, J., Jansen, P. A., Sheil, D., Alvarez, P., Boekee, K., Espinosa, S., Lima, M. G. G., Martin, E. H., O’Brien, T. G., Salvador, J., Santos, F., Rosa, M., Zvoleff, A., Sutherland, C. and Tenan, S. 2019. A standardized assessment of forest mammal communities reveals consistent functional composition and vulnerability across the tropics. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04773 | ecog-04773.pdf |
ECOG-04772 | 2019 | Benito, B. M., Gil-Romera, G. and Birks, H. J. B. 2019. Ecological memory at millennial time-scales: the importance of data constraints, species longevity, and niche features. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04772 | ecog-04772.pdf |
ECOG-04764 | 2020 | Travers, S. and Berdugo, M. 2020. Grazing and productivity alter individual grass size dynamics in semi-arid woodlands. – Ecograpy doi: 10.1111/ecog.04764 | ecog-04764.pdf |
ECOG-04762 | 2019 | Moll, R. J., Cepek, J. D., Lorch, P. D., Dennis, P. M., Robinson, T. and Montgomery, R. A. 2019. At what spatial scale(s) do mammals respond to urbanization? – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04762 | |
ECOG-04757 | 2019 | Lindholm, M., Alahuhta, J., Heiono, J. and Toivonen, H. 2019. No biotic homogenisation across decades but consistent effects of landscape position and pH on macrophyte communities in boreal lakes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04757 | ecog-04757.pdf |
ECOG-04753 | 2020 | Fluck, E. I., Cáceres, N., Hendges, C. D., Brum, M. N. and Dambros, S. C. 2020. Climate and geographic distance are more influential than rivers on the beta diversity of passerine birds in Amazonia. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04753 | |
ECOG-04743 | 2019 | Smith, M. M. and Goldberg, C. S. 2019. Occupancy in dynamic systems: accounting for multiple scales and false positives using environmental DNA to inform monitoring. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04743 | ecog-04743.pdf |
ECOG-04740 | 2019 | Figueiredo, L., Krauss, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. and Sarmento-Cabral, J. 2019. Understanding extinction debts: spatio–temporal scales, mechanisms and a roadmap for future research. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04740 | ecog-04740.pdf |
ECOG-04730 | 2019 | Plowman, N. S., Mottl, O., Novotny, V., Idigel, C., Philip, F. J., Rimandai, M. and Klimes, P. 2019. Nest microhabitats and tree size mediate shifts in ant community structure across elevation in tropical rainforest canopies. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04730 | ecog-04730.pdf |
ECOG-04729 | 2019 | Van doninck, J., Jones, M. M., Zuquim, G., Ruokolainen, K., Moulatlet, G. M., Sirén, A., Cárdenas, G., Lehtonen, S. and Tuomisto, H. 2019. Multispectral canopy reflectance improves spatial distribution models of Amazonian understory species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04729 | ecog-04729.pdf |
ECOG-04728 | 2019 | Lany, N. K., Zarnetske, P. L., Finley, A. O. and McCullough, D. G. 2019. Complimentary strengths of spatially-explicit and multi-species distribution models. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04728 | ecog-04728.pdf |
ECOG-04725 | 2020 | Giménez, L., Exton, M., Spitzner, F., Meth, R., Ecker, U., Jungblut, S., Harzsch, S., Saborowski, R. and Torres, G. 2020. Exploring larval phenology as predictor for range expansion in an invasive species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04725 | ecog-04725.pdf |
ECOG-04722 | 2019 | Cramer, K. L., O’Dea, A., Leonard-Pingel, J. S. and Norris, R. D. 2019. Millennial-scale change in the structure of a Caribbean reef ecosystem and the role of human and natural disturbance. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04722 | ecog-04722.pdf |
ECOG-04720 | 2020 | Villén-Peréz, S., Heikkinen, J., Salemaa, M. and Mäkipää, R. 2020. Global warming will affect the maximum potential abundance of boreal plant species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04720 | ecog-04720.pdf |
ECOG-04716 | 2019 | Huang, J.-L., Andrello, M., Martensen, A. C., Saura, S., Liu, D.-F., He, J.-H. and Fortin, M.-J. 2019. Importance of spatio-temporal connectivity to maintain species experiencing range shifts. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04716 | ecog-04716.pdf |
ECOG-04714 | 2019 | McColl-Gausden, S. C., Bennett, L. T., Duff, T. J., Cawson, J. G. and Penman, T. D. 2019. Climatic and edaphic gradients predict variation in wildland-fuel hazard in south-eastern Australia. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04714 | ecog-04714.pdf |
ECOG-04707 | 2019 | Brodie, S., Thorson, J. T., Carroll, G., Hazen, E. I., Bograd, S., Haltuch, M., Holsman, K., Kotwicki, S., Samhouri, J., Willis-Norton, E. and Selden, R. 2019. Trade-offs in covariate selection for species distribution models: a methodological comparison. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04707 | ecog-04707.pdf |
ECOG-04704 | 2019 | Jin, Y., Didham, R. K., Yuan, J., Hu, G., Yu, J., Zheng, S. and Yu, M. 2019. Cross-scale drivers of plant trait distributions in a fragmented forest landscape. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04704 | |
ECOG-04690 | 2019 | Bower, L. M. and Winemiller, K. O. 2019. Fish assemblage convergence along stream environmental gradients: an intercontinental analysis. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04690 | |