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Article number Year Descriptionsort descending Documents
E4596 2006

Elith, J., Graham, C. H., Anderson, R. P., Dudík, M., Ferrier, S., Guisan, A., Hijmans, R. J., Huettmann, F., Leathwick, J. R., Lehmann, A., Li, J., Lohmann, L. G., Loiselle, B. A., Manion, G., Moritz, C., Nakamura, M., Nakazawa, Y., Overton, J. McC., Peterson, A. T., Phillips, S. J., Richardson, K. S., Scachetti-Pereira, R., Schapire, R. E., Soberón, J., Williams, S., Wisz, M. S. and Zimmermann, N. E. 2006. Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. – Ecography 29: 129–151.

ECOG-04836 2020

Eme, D., Anderson, M. J., Myers, E. M. V., Roberts, C. D. and Liggins, L. 2020. Phylogenetic measures reveal eco-evolutionary drivers of biodiversity along a depth gradient. – Ecoraphy doi: 10.1111/ecog.04836

ECOG-02683 2017

Eme, D., Zagmajster, M., Delić, T., Fišer, C., Flot, J.- F., Konecny-Dupré, L., Pálsson, S., Stoch, F., Zakšek, V., Douady, C. and Malard, F. 2017. Do cryptic species matter in macroecology? Sequencing European groundwater crustaceans yields smaller ranges but does not challenge biodiversity determinants. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02683

ECOG-01092 2014

Eme, D., Zagmajster, M., Fišer, C., Galassi, D., Marmonier, P., Stoch, F., Cornu, J.-F., Oberdorff, T. and Malard, F. 2014. Multi-causality and spatial non-stationarity in the determinants of groundwater crustacean diversity in Europe. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01092

E6139 2010

Emilio, T., Walker Nelson, B., Schietti, J., Desmoulière, S. J.-M., Espírito-Santo, H. M. V. and Costa, F. R. C. 2010. Assessing the relationship between forest types and canopy tree beta diversity in Amazonia. – Ecography 33: 738-747.

ECOG-01520 2015

Engler, J. O., Secondi, J., Dawson, D. A., Elle, O. and Hochkirch, A. 2015. Range expansion and retraction along a moving contact zone has no effect on the genetic diversity of two passerine birds. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01520

E7608 2012

Engler, R., Hordijk, W. and Guisan, A. 2012. The MIGCLIM R package – seamless intergration of dispersal constraints into projections of species distribution models. – Ecography 35: xxx–xxx.

E5789 2009

Engler, R., Randin, C. F., Vittoz, P., Czáka, T., Beniston, M., Zimmermann, N. E. and Guisan, A. 2009. Predicting future distributions of mountain plants under climate change: does dispersal capacity matter. – Ecography 32: 34–45.

E7753 2012

Eppinga, M. B., Pucko, C. A., Baudena, M., Beckage, B. and Molofsky, J. 2012. A new method to infer vegetation boundary movement from ‘snapshot’ data. – Ecography 000: 000–000.

ECOG-04985 2020

Erős, T., Comte, L., Filipe, A. F., Ruhi, A., Tedesco, P. A., Brose, U., Fortin, M.-J., Giam, X., Irving, K., Jacquet, C., Larsen, S., Sharma, S. and Olden, J. D. 2020. Effects of nonnative species on the stability of riverine fish communities. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04985

E4818 2007

Escobar, F., Halffter, G. and Arellano, L. 2007. From forest to pasture: an evaluating of the influence of environment and biogeography on the structure of dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) assemblages along three altitudinal gradients in the Neotropical region. – Ecography 30: 193–208.

E4818 2007

Escobar, F., Halffter, G. and Arellano, L. 2007. From forest to pasture: an evaluating of the influence of environment and biogeography on the structure of dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) assemblages along three altitudinal gradients in the Neotropical region. – Ecography 30: 193–208.

ECOG-01328 2015

Espinosa, C. I., de la Cruz, M., Jara-Guerrero, A., Gusmán, E. and Escudero, A. 2015. Theeffects of individual tree species on species diversity in a tropical dry forest change throughout ontogeny. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01328
ECOG-01904 2016

Esquivel Muelber, A. et al. 2016. Seasonal drought limits tree species across the Neotropics. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01904
ECOG-00905 2014

Essl, F., Dullinger, S., Moser, D., Steinbauer, K. and Mang, T. 2014. Macroecology of global bryophyte invasions at different invasion stages. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00905

E6943 2011

Essl, F., Mang, T., Dullinger, S., Moser, D. and Hulme, P. E. 2011. Macroecological drivers of alien conifer naturalizations worldwide. – Ecography 34: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-02968 2017

Estrada, A., Morales-Castilla, I., Meireles, C., Caplat, P. and Early, R. 2017. Equipped to cope with climate change: traits associated with range filling across European taxa. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02968
ECOG-03588 2018

Evans, A. E., Forester, B. R., Jockusch, E. L. and Urban, M. C. 2018. Salamander morph frequencies do not evolve as predicted in response to 40 years of climate change. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03588

ECOG-04631 2019

Evans, L. E., Hirst, A. G., Kratina, P. and Beaugrand, G. 2019. Temperature-mediated changes in zooplankton body size: large scale temporal and spatial analysis. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04631

ECOG-04631 2020

Evans, L. E., Hirst, A. G., Kratina, P. and Beaugrand, G. 2019. Temperature-mediated changes in zooplankton body size: large scale temporal and spatial analysis. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04631

