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Article numbersort descending Year Description Documents
e6181 2010

Barbet-Massin, M., Thuiller, W. and Jiguet, F. 2010. How much do we overestimate future local extinction rates when restricting the range of occurrence data in climate suitability models? – Ecography 33: 878-886.

E6196 2009

Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Bini, L. M., Rangel, T. F. L. V. B., Loyola, R. D., Hof, C., Nogués-Bravo, D. and Araújo, M. B. 2009. Partitioning and mapping uncertainties in ensembles of forecasts of species turnover under climate
changes. – Ecography 32: 897–906.

e6203 2010

Triantis, K. A., Borges, P. A. V., Ladle, R. J., Hortal, J., Cardoso, P., Gaspar, C., Dinis, F., Mendonça, E., Silveira, L. M. A., Gabriel, R., Melo, C., Santos, A. M. C., Amorim, I. R., Ribeiri, S., Serrano, A. R. M., Quartau, J. A. and Whittaker, R. J. 2010. Extinction debt on oceanic islands. – Ecography 33: 285–294.

e6212 2010

Baguette, M., Clobert, J. and Schtickzelle, N. 2010. Metepopulation dynamics of the bog fritillary butterfly: experimental changes in habitat quality induced negative density-dependent dispersal. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

e6229 2010

Meier, E. S., Kienast, F., Pearman, P. B., Svenning, J.-C., Thuiller, W., Araújo, M. B., Guisan, A. and Zimmermann, N. E. 2010. Biotic and abiotic variables show little redundancy in explaining tree species distributions. – Ecography 33: 1038-1048.

e6244 2010

Olalla-Tárraga, M. Á., Bini, L. M., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F. and Rodríguez, M. Á. 2010. Cross-species and assemblage-based approaches to Bergmann’s rule and the biogeography of body size in Plethodon salamanders of eastern North America. – Ecography 33: 362–368.

e6250 2010

Giménez-Benavides, L., Albert, M. J., Iriondo, J. M. and Escudero, A. 2010. Demographic processes of upward range contraction in a long-lived Mediterranean high mountain plant. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

e6259 2010

Gaertner, J.-C., Mérigot, B., Rélini, G., Bertrand, J. A., Mazouni, N., Politou, C.-Y., Gil de Sola, L., Kallianiotis, A., Carpentieri, P., Murenu, M., Durbec, J.-P., Vrgoc, N. and Ungaro, N. 2010. Reproducibility of the multi-component aspect of species diversity across different areas and scales: towards the constitution of a shortlist of complementary indices for monitoring fish diversity? – Ecography 33: 1123-1135.

e6263 2010

Di Minin, E. and Griffiths, R. A. 2010. Viability analysis of a threatened amphibian population: modelling the past, present and future. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

E6264 2010

Stefanescu, C., Carnicer, J. and Peñuelas, J. 2010. Determinants of species richness in generalist and specialist Mediterranean butterflies: the negative synergistic forces of climate and habitat change. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

E6268 2010

Thieltges, D. W., Hof, C., Borregaard, M. K., Dehling, D. M., Brändle, M., Brandl, R. and Poulin, R. 2010. Range size patterns in European freshwater trematodes. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

E6269 2010

Garcia-Barros, E. and Romo Benito, H. 2010. The relationship between geographic range size and life history traits: is biogeographic history uncovered? A test using the Iberian butterflies. – Ecography 33: 392–401.

E6270 2010

Bloch, C. P., Stevens, R. D. and Willig, M. R. 2010. Body size and resource competition in New World bats: a test of spatial scaling levels. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

E6273 2010

Blach-Overgaard, A., Svenning, J.-C., Dransfield, J., Greve, M. and Balslev, H. 2010. Determinants of palm species distributions across Africa: the relative roles of climate, non-climatic environmental factors, and spatial constraints. – Ecography 33: 380–391.

E6281 2010

Daza, J. M., Castoe, C. L. and Parkinson, C. L. 2010. Using regional comparative phylogeographic data from snake lineages to infer historical processes in Middle America. – Ecography 33: 343–354.

E6301 2010

Svenning, J.-C., Fitzpatrick, M. C., Normand, S., Graham, C. H., Pearman, P. B., Iverson, L. R. and Skov, F. 2010. Geography, topography, and history affect realized-to-potential tree species richness patterns in Europe. – Ecography 33: 1070-1080.

E6306 2010

Casner, K. L. and Pyrcz, T. W. 2010. Patterns and timing of diversification in a tropical montane butterfly genus, Lymanopoda (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). – Ecography 33: 251–259.

E6309 2010

Hof, C., Rahbek, C. and Araújo, M. B. 2010. Phylogenetic signals in the climatic niches of the world’s amphibians. – Ecography 33: 242–250.

E6315 2010

Boyer, A. G. and Jetz, W. 2010. Biogeography of body size in Pacific island birds. – Ecography 33: 369–379.

E6327 2010

Cody, S., Richardson, J. E., Rull, V., Ellis, C. and Pennington, R. T. 2010. The great American biotic interchange revisited. – Ecography 33: 326–332.

