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Article number | Year | Description | Documents |
ECOG-02809 | 2017 | Sabatini, F. M., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Burrascano, S., Lora, A. and Chytrý, M. 2017. Beta-diversity of central European forests decreases along an elevational gradient due to the variation in local community assembly processes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02809 | |
ECOG-03348 | 2017 | Niittynen, P. and Luoto, M. 2017. The importance of snow in species distribution models of arctic vegetation. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03348 | ecog-03348.pdf |
ECOG-03328 | 2017 | Schaefer, M., Menz, S., Jeltsch, F. and Zurell, D. 2017. sOAR: a tool for modelling optimal animal life-history strategies in cyclic environments. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03328 | |
ECOG-03235 | 2017 | Wogan, G. O. U. and Wang, I. J. 2017. The value of space-for-time substitution for studying finescale microevolutionary processes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03235 | ecog-03235.pdf |
ECOG-03255 | 2017 | Brucet, S., Arranz, I., Mehner, T., Argillier, C., Beklioğlu, M., Benejam, L., Boll, T., Holmgren, K., Lauridsen, T. L., Svenning, J.-C., Winfield, I. J. and Jeppesen, E. 2017. Size diversity and species diversity relationships in fish assemblages of Western Palearctic lakes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03255 | ecog-03255.pdf |
ECOG-03389 | 2017 | Chen, L., Comita, L. S., Wright, S. J., Swenson, N. G., Zimmerman, J. K., Mi, X., Hao, Z., Ye, W., Hubbell,S. P., Kress, W. J., Uriarte, M., Thompson, J., Nytch, C. J., Wang, X., Lian, J. and Ma, K. 2017. Forest tree neighborhoods are structured more by negative conspecific density dependence than by interactions among closely related species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03389 | ecog-03389.pdf |
ECOG-03378 | 2017 | Parks, S. A., Holsinger, L. M., Miller, C. and Parisien, M.-A. 2017. Analog-based fire regime and vegetation shifts in mountainous regions of the western US. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03378 | ecog-3378.pdf |
ECOG-03080 | 2017 | Bestley, S., Raymond, B., Gales, N. H., Harcourt, R. G., Hindell, M. A., Jonsen, I. D., Nicol, S., Péron, C., Sumner, M. D., Weimerskirch, H., Wotherspoon, S. J. and Cox, M. J. 2017. Predicting krill swarm characteristics important for marine predators foraging off East Antarctica. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03080 | ecog-03080.pdf |
ECOG-03187 | 2017 | Blonder, B. 2017. Hypervolume concepts in niche- and trait-based ecology. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03187 | ecog-03187.pdf |
ECOG-02957 | 2017 | Murray, N. J., Marra, P. P., Fuller, R. A., Clemens, R. S., Dhanjal-Adams, K., Gosbell, K. B., Hassell, C. J., Iwamura, T., Melville, D., Minton, C. D. T., Riegen, A. C., Rogers, D. I., Woehler, E. J. and Studds, C. E. 2017. The large-scale drivers of population declines in a long-distance migratory shorebird. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02957 | ecog-02957.pdf |
ECOG-03235 | 2017 | Wogan, G. O. U. and Wang, I. J. 2017. The value of space-for-time substitution for studying finescale microevolutionary processes. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03235 | ecog-03235.pdf |
ECOG-02424 | 2017 | Field, C. R., Ruskin, K. J., Benvenuti, B., Borowske, A. C., Cohen, J. B., Garey, L., Hodgman, T. P., Kern, R. A., King, E., Kocek, A. R., Kovach, A. I., O’Brien, K. M., Olsen, B. J., Pau, N., Roberts, S. G., Shelly, E., Shriver, G. W., Walsh, J. and Elphick, C. S. 2017. Quantifying the importance of geographic replication and representativeness when estimating demographic rates, using a coastal species as a case study. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02424 | ecog-02424.pdf |
ECOG-02942 | 2017 | Guralnick, R., Walls, R. and Jetz, W. 2017. Humboldt Core – toward a standardized capture of biological inventories for biodiversity monitoring, modeling and assessment. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02942 | |
ECOG-03430 | 2017 | Lundgren, E. J., Ramp, D., Ripple, W. J. and Wallach, A. D. 2017. Introduced megafauna are rewilding the Anthropocene. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03430 | |
ECOG-03030 | 2017 | Buderman, F. E., Hoten, M. B., Ivan, J. S. and Shenk, T. M. 2017. Large-scale movement behavior in a reintroduced predator population. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03030 | ecog-03030.pdf |
ECOG-02990 | 2017 | Regos, A., Clavero, M., D’Amen, M., Guisan, A. and Brotons, L. 2017. Wildfire–vegetation dynamics affect predictions of climate change impact on bird communities. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02990 | ecog-02990.pdf |
ECOG-02426 | 2017 | Arjona, Y., Nogales, M., Heleno, R. and Vargas, P. 2017. Long-distance dispersal syndromes matter: diaspore–trait effect on shaping plant distribution across the Canary Islands. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02426 | ecog-02426.pdf |
ECOG-02937 | 2017 | Correll, M. D., Wiest, W. A., Hodgman, T. P., Kelley, J. P., McGill, B. J., Elphick, C. S., Shriver, W. G., Conway, M., Field, C. R. and Olsen, B. J. 2017. A Pleistocene disturbance event describes modern diversity patterns in tidal marsh birds. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02937 | ecog-02937.pdf |
ECOG-02995 | 2017 | Yannic, G., Ortego, J., Pellissier, L., Lecomte, N., Bernatchez, L. and Côté, S. D. 2017. Linking genetic and ecological differentiation in an ungulate with a circumpolar distribution. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.02995 | ecog-02995.pdf |
ECOG-03233 | 2017 | Gange, A. C., Heegaard, E., Boddy, L., Andrew, C., Kirk, P., Halvorsen, R., Kuyper, T. W., Bässler, C., Diez, J., Heilman-Clausen, J., Høiland, K., Büntgen, U. and Kauserud, H. 2017. Trait-dependent distributional shifts in fruiting of common British fungi. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03233 | ecog-03233.pdf |