
Appendices are any supplementary material that may be associated with a particular article. Most often they are uploaded as pdf:s, but may also consist of excel files, scripts, videos etc. Appendices are searchable via manuscript number, doi or author name.

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Article number Year Descriptionsort ascending Documents
ECOG-00631 2014

Smith, M. A., Hallwachs, W. and Janzen, D. H. 2014. Diversity and phylogenetic community structure of ants along a Costa Rican elevational gradient. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00631.x

ECOG-01779 2015

Smith, F. A., Tomé, C. P., Elliott, E. A., Lyons, S. K., Newsome, S. D. and Stafford, T. W. 2015. Unraveling the consequences of the terminal Pleistocene megafauna extinction on mammal community assembly. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01779

E6335 2010

Smith, B. T. and Klicka, J. 2010. The profound influence of the Late Pliocene Panamanian uplift on the exchange, diversification, and distribution of New World birds. – Ecography 33: 333–342.

ECOG-02821 2017

Smith, A. N. H., Anderson, M. J. and Pawley, M. D. M. 2017. Could ecologists be more random? Straightforward alternatives to haphazard spatial sampling. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02821
ECOG-00107 2013

Smith, A. B., Santos, M. J., Koo, M. S., Rowe, K. M. C., Patton, J. L., Perrine, J. D., Beissinger, S. R. and Moritz, C. 2013. Evaluation of species distribution models by resampling of sites surveyed a century ago by Joseph Grinnell. – Ecography 36: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-05317 2020

Smith, A. B. and Santos, M. J. 2020. Testing the ability of species distribution models to infer variable importance. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05317
ECOG-01616 2015

Slatyer, R. A., Nash, M. A. and Hoffmann, A. A. 2015. Scale-dependent thermal tolerance variation in Australian mountain grasshoppers. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01616

ECOG-02181 2016

Šizling, A. L., Šizlingová, E., Tjørve, E., Tjørve, K. M. C. and Kunin, W. E. 2016. How to allow SAR collapse across local and continental scales: a resolution of the controversy between Storch et al. (2012) and Lazarina et al. (2013). – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02181
E6839 2011

Siriwardena, G. M., Cooke, I. R. and Sutherland, W. J. 2011. Landscape, cropping and field boundary influences on bird abundance. – Ecography 34: xxx– xxx.

ECOG-00867 2014

Šímová, I., Violle, C., Kraft, N. J. B., Storch, D., Svenning, J.-C., Boyle, B., Donoghue, J., J.rgensen, P., McGill, B. J., Morueta-Holme, N., Piel, W. H., Peet, R. K., Regetz, J., Schildhauer, M., Spencer, N., Thiers, B., Wiser, S. and Enquist, B. J.2014. Shifts in trait means and variances in North American tree assemblages: species richness patterns are loosely related to the functional space. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00867


ECOG-05146 2020

Simmonds, E. G., Jarvis, S. G., Henrys, P. A., Isaac, N. J. B. and O’Hara, R. B. 2020. Is more data always better? A simulation study of benefits and limitations of integrated distribution models. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05146

ECOG-04597 2019

Siebers, A. R., Paillex, A. and Robinson, C. T. 2019. Flow intermittency influences the trophic base, but not the overall diversity of alpine stream food webs. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04597

ECOG-03573 2018

Shutt, J. D., Bolton, M., Cabello, I. B., Burgess, M. D. and Phillimore, A. B. 2018. The effects of woodland habitat and biogeography on blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus territory occupancy and productivity along a 220 km transect. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03573

E4105 2005

Shimazaki, A. and Miyashita, T. 2005. Variable dependence on detrital and grazing food webs by generalist predators: aearial insects and web spiders. – Ecography 28: 485–494.

ECOG-02380 2016

Sheppard-Brennand, H., Dworjanyn, S. A. and Poore, A. G. B. 2016. Global patterns in the effects of predator declines on sea urchins. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02380
ECOG-00049 2012

Shen, Z., Fei, S., Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Feng, J., Tang, Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., Zheng, C., Zhu, B., Fang, J. 2012. Geographical patterns of community-based tree species richness in Chinese mountain forests: the effects of contemporary climate and regional history. – Ecography 000: 000–000.

E6811 2010

Sharma, S., Legendre, P., De Cáceres, M. and Boisclair, D. 2010. The role of environmental and spatial processes in structuring native and non-native fish communities across thousands of lakes. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

E5544 2009

Sharma, S., Jackson, D. A. and Minns, C. K. 2009. Quantifying the potential effects of climate change and the invasion of smallmouth bass on native lake trout populations across Canadian lakes. – Ecography 32: 517–525.

E4554 2006

Sharma, N. K., Rai, A. K. and Singh, S. 2006. Meterological factors affecting the diversity of airborne algae in an urban atmosphere. – Ecography 29: 766–772.

ECOG-02383 2016

Shackelford, N., Starzomski, B. M., Banning, N. C., Battaglia, L., Becker, A., Bellingham, P. J., Bestelmeyer, B., Catford, J. A., Dwyer, J. M., Dynesius, M., Gilmour, J., Hallett, L. M., Hobbs, R. J., Price, J., Sasaki, T., Tanner, E. V. J. and Standish, R. J. 2016. Isolation predicts compositional change after discrete disturbances in a global meta-study. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02383

