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Article number Year Descriptionsort ascending Documents
ECOG-02587 2016

Spitz, D. B., Hebblewhite, M. and Stephenson, T. R. 2016. ‘MigrateR’: extending model-driven methods for classifying and quantifying animal movement behavior. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02587
E4621 2006

Spiegelberger, T., Matthies, D., Müller-Schärer, H. and Schaffner, U. 2006. Scale-dependent effects of land use on plant species richness of mountain grassland in the European Alps. – Ecography 29: 541–548.

ECOG-05170 2020

Spence, A. R. and Tingley, M. W. 2020. The challenge of novel abiotic conditions for species undergoing climate-induced range shifts. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05170

ECOG-04347 2019

Speed, J. D. M., Skjelbred, I. Å., Barrio, I. C., Martin, M. D., Berteaux, D., Bueno, C. G., Christie, K. S., Forbes, B. C., Forbey, J., Fortin, D., Grytnes, J.-A., Hoset, K. S., Lecomte, N., Marteinsdóttir, B., Mosbacher, J. B., Pedersen, Å. Ø., Ravolainen, V., Rees, E. C., Skarin, A., Sokolova, N., Thornhill, A. H., Tombre, I. and Soininen, E. M. 2019. Trophic interactions and abiotic factors drive functional and phylogenetic structure of vertebrate herbivore communities across the Arctic tundra biome. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04347

ECOG-00711 2014

Spasojevic, M. J., Copeland, S. and Suding, K. N. 2014. Using functional diversity patterns to explore metacommunity dynamics: a framework for understanding local and regional influences on community structure. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00711

ECOG-01855 2015

Spano, C. A., Hernández, C. E. and Rivadeneira, M. M. 2015. Evolutionary dispersal drives the latitudinal diversity gradient of stony corals. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01855

E5615 2009

Soykan, C. U. and Sabo, J. L. 2009. Spatiotemporal food web dynamics along a desert riparian-upland transition. – Ecography 32: 354–368.

E4956 2007

Southgate, R., Paltridge, R., Masters, P. and Carthew, S. 2007. Bilby distribution and fire: a test of alternative models of habitat suitability in the Tanami Desert, Australia. – Ecography 30: 759–776.

ECOG-03771 2019

Soriano-Redondo, A., Jones-Todd, C. M., Bearhop, S., Hilton, G. M., Lock, L., Votier, S. C. and Illian, J. B. 2019. Understanding species distribution in dynamic populations: a new approach using spatio-temporal point process models. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03771
ECOG-03531 2018

Somveille, M., Manica, A. and Rodrigues, A. S. L. 2018. Where the wild birds go: explaining the differences in migratory destinations across terrestrial bird species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03531
ECOG-05066 2020

Somveille, M., Dias, M. P., Weimerskirch; T. E. and Davies, T. E. 2020. Projected migrations of southern Indian Ocean albatrosses as a response to climate change. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05066

ECOG-02986 2017

Sommer, B., Beger, M., Harrison, P. L., Babcock, R. C. and Pandolfi, J. M. 2017. Differential response to abiotic stress controls species distributions at biogeographic transition zones. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02986

ECOG-03415 2017

Sólymos, P., Matsuoka, S. M., Stralberg, D., Barker, N. K. S. and Bayne, E. M. 2017. Phylogeny and species traits predict bird detectability. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03415

E4817 2007

Soininen, J., McDonald, R. and Hillebrand, H. 2007. The distance decay of similarity in ecological communities. – Ecography 30: 3–12.

ECOG-03828 2018

Soininen, J., Jamoneau, A., Rosebery, J., Leboucher, T., Wang, J., Kokociński, M. and Passy, S. I. 2018. Stream diatoms exhibit weak niche conservation along global environmental and climatic gradients. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03828

ECOG-00903 2015

Sobral, F. L. and Cianciaruso, M. V. 2015. Functional and phylogenetic structure of forest and savanna bird assemblages across spatial scales. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00903

E4627 2007

Soberón, J., Jiménez, R., Golubov, J. and Koleff, P. 2007. Assessing completeness of biodiversity databases at different spatial scales. – Ecography 30: 152–160.

ECOG-00544 2014

Snäll, T., Forslund, P., Jeppsson, T., Lindhe, A. and O’Hara, R. B. 2013. Evaluating temporal variation in
Citizen Science Data against temporal variation in the environment. – Ecography 000: 000–000.

E6105 2010

Smith, T. W. and Lundholm, J. T. 2010. Variation partitioning as a tool to distinguish between niche and neutral processes. – Ecography 33: 648-655.

ECOG-04743 2019

Smith, M. M. and Goldberg, C. S. 2019. Occupancy in dynamic systems: accounting for multiple scales and false positives using environmental DNA to inform monitoring. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04743

