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Article number Year Descriptionsort descending Documents
ECOG-02293 2016

Bender, M. G., leprieur, F., Mouillot, D., Kulbicki, M., Parravicini, V., Pie, M. R., Barneche, D. R., Oliveira- Santos, L. G. R. and Floeter, S. R. 2016. Isolation drives taxonomic and functional nestedness in tropical reef fish faunas. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02293

ECOG-02434 2018

Benedetti, F., Guilhaumon, F., Adloff, F. and Ayata, S-D. 2017. Investigating uncertainties in zooplankton composition shifts under climate change scenarios in the Mediterranean Sea. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02434
ECOG-04895 2019

Benito, B. M. and Birks, H. J. B. 2019. distantia: an open-source toolset to quantify dissimilarity between multivariate ecological time-series. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04895

ECOG-04772 2019

Benito, B. M., Gil-Romera, G. and Birks, H. J. B. 2019. Ecological memory at millennial time-scales: the importance of data constraints, species longevity, and niche features. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04772

ECOG-05180 2020

Bennett, A. C., Penman, T. D., Arndt, S. K., Roxburgh, S. H. and Bennett, L. T. 2020. Climate more important than soils for predicting forest biomass at the continental scale. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.05180

ECOG-00936 2014

Bennett, J. M., Clarke, R. H., Thomson, J. R. and Mac Nally, R. 2014. Fragmentation, vegetation change and irruptive competitors affect recruitment of woodland birds. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00936

ECOG-00393 2013

Bennett, J. R. 2013. Comparison of native and exotic distribution and richness models across scales reveals essential conservation lessons. – Ecography 36: xxx–

ECOG-03795 2018

Berdugo, M., Soliveres, S., Kéfi, S.and Maestre, F. T. 2019. The interplay between facilitation and habitat type drives spatial vegetation patterns in global drylands. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03795

E6141 2011

Berglund, H., Hottola, J., Penttilä, R. and Siitonen, J. 2011. Linking substrate and habitat requirements of wood-inhabiting fungi to their regional extinction vulnerability. – Ecography 34: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-04868 2020

Berkström, C., Eggertsen, L., Godell, W., Cordeiro, C. A. M. M., Lucena, M. B., Gustafsson, R., Bandeira, S., Jiddawi, N. and Ferreira, C. 2020. Thresholds in seascape connectivity: the spatial arrangement of nursery habitats structure fish communities on nearby reefs. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.04868

ECOG-03591 2018

Bertrand, R. 2019. Unequal contributions of species’ persistence and migration on plant communities’ response to climate warming throughout forests. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03591

ECOG-03080 2017

Bestley, S., Raymond, B., Gales, N. H., Harcourt, R. G., Hindell, M. A., Jonsen, I. D., Nicol, S., Péron, C., Sumner, M. D., Weimerskirch, H., Wotherspoon, S. J. and Cox, M. J. 2017. Predicting krill swarm characteristics important for marine predators foraging off East Antarctica. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03080

ECOG-00740 2014

Betts, M. G., Fahrig, L., Hadley, A. S., Halstead, K. E., Bowman, J., Robinson, W. D., Wiens, J. A. and Lindenmayer, D. B. 2014. A species-centered approach for uncovering generalities in organism responses to habitat loss and fragmentation. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00740

E5490 2008

Betts, M. G., Rodenhouse, N. L., Sillett, T. S., Doran, P. J. and Holmes, R. T. 2008. Dynamic occupancy models reveal within-breeding season movement up a habitat quality gradient by a migratory songbird. – Ecography 31: 593–601.

E5798 2010

Bierman, S. M., Butler, A., Marion, G. and Kühn, I. 2010. Bayesian image restoration models for combining expert knowledge on recording activity with species distribution data. – Ecography 33: xxx–xxx.

ECOG-00787 2015

Bin, Y., Spence, J., Wu, L., Li, B., Hao, Z., Ye, W. and He, F. 2015. Species–habitat associations and demographic rates of forest trees. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.00787
E5717 2009

Bini, L. M., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., Rangel, T. F. L. V. B., Akre, T. S. B., Albaladejo, R. G., Albuquerque, F. S., Aparicio, A., Araújo, M. B., Baselga, A., Beck, J., Bellocq, M. I., Böhning-Gaese, K., Borges, P. A. V., Castro-Parga, I., Chey, V. K., Chown, S. L., de Marco, Jr, P., Dobkin, D. S., Ferrer-Castán, D., Field, R., Filloy, J., Fleishman, E., Gómez, J. F., Hortal, J., Iverson, J. B., Kerr, J. T., Kissling, W. D., Kitching, I. J., León-Cortés, J. L., Lobo, J. M., Montoya, D., Morales-Castilla, I., Moreno, J. C., Oberdorff, T., Olalla-Tárraga, M. Á., Pausas, J. G., Qian, H., Rahbek, C., Rodríguez, M. Á., Rueda, M., Ruggiero, A., Sackmann, P., Sanders, N. J., Terribile, L. C., Vetaas, O. R. and Hawkins, B. A. 2009. Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. – Ecography 32: 193–204.

ECOG-03086 2017

Binkenstein, J., Klein, A.-M., Assmann, T., Buscot, F., Erfmeier, A., Ma, K., Pietsch, K. A., Schmidt, K., Scholten, T., Wubet, T., Bruelheide, H., Schuldt, A. and Staab, M. 2017. Multi-trophic guilds respond differently to changing elevation in a subtropical forest. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03086

ECOG-03458 2017

Birkett, A. J., Blackburn, G. A. and Menéndez, R. 2017. Linking species thermal tolerance to elevational range shifts in upland dung beetles. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.03458

ECOG-01141 2014

Birkhofer, K., Smith, H. G., Weisser, W. W., Wolters, V. and Gossner, M. M. 2015. Land-use effects on the functional distinctness of arthropod communities. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.01141
