Hyper-diverse ecosystems can be even richer: poor dispersal destines many grassland species to dark diversity
When counting plant species within a few square meters, northern European grasslands are among the most species-rich communities in the world...

Marking an individual Morpho achilles (Nymphalidae, Morphini) in Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. Photo by P. J. DeVries.
By Carla Penz, Phil DeVries, Jarle Tufto and Russ Lande
Spatial movement plays a fundamental role in ecological and...

Have behavioural ecologists given up on the search for the fundamental niche?
by Manuela Panzacchi
No, not at all. Although, strictly speaking, fundamental niches are inestimable theoretical constructs, they are too important to be forgotten....

The role of climate and geohistorical factors in driving plant richness patterns and endemicity on the East Asian continental islands
Written by: Kubota Yasuhiro (Associate Professor), Shiono Takayuki (Postdoctoral Fellow), Kusumoto Buntarou (...

Enallagma ebrium with Arrenurus water mites
Phenology and regional occurrence explain interspecific variation in damselfly-water mite associations
by Julia J. Mlynarek
When near a water body it is...

By Tobias Uller
In a warmer world, spring will be earlier. The increase in temperature is not the same across the globe, however, and the highest rate of warming is found at high latitudes. It is therefore not very surprising that,...
By Professor Rob Anderson
In this seminar, I will first provide an overview of my perception of the field of ecological niche modeling, within the larger arena of biodiversity informatics, and then provide worked examples with tropical mammals. In framing the field, I...
By Steve Pennings and Kazimierz Więski.
A new study by Kazimierz Więski and Steven Pennings contributes to the biogeography of plant antiherbivore strategies. Plants can resist herbivore's...

Old-growth longleaf pine vegetation in the Croatan National Forest, North Carolina. Photograph by Kyle Palmquist.
By Jes Coyle. Read full study here.
Graduate students at the...