
Restoration special issue

Through its Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030), the United Nations calls upon our global community to massively upscale the recovery of degraded nature, in order to fight our climate and biodiversity crises more effectively....

The power of individuals: species-averaged trait response cannot represent community-wide patterns

Figure 1. Aerial view of the Thousand Island Lake islands at daybreak. Photo by Pan Jingcao.

By Shilu Zheng, Raphael K. Didham, Mingjian Yu, Bruce L. Webber

Looking for patterns in the morphological features of...

Long-term changes in flowering synchrony reflect climatic changes across an elevational gradient

Figure 1. Some flowering species found in Finger Rock Canyon. (a) Allium macropetalum, (b) Uropappus lindleyi, (c) Portulaca umbraticola subsp. lanceolata, (d) Claytonia perfoliata, (e) Mammillaria grahamii, (f) ...

Individual-based distribution modelling with RangeShifter

Figure 1. A dispersal heatmap showing how often each cell was part of an individual dispersal trajectory, overlaid on a patch-based landscape. All dispersers started from the large patch on the center left. Find out how to generate results like this with our RangeShifter...

New R Tools to Acquire, Manage, Visualize, and Cite Occurrence Data

Protea cynaroides, King Protea. Our favorite test case as we developed occCite. Photo courtesy of Hannah Owens.

By Hannah L. Owens and Jamie M. Kass, on behalf of all co-authors

There are...

Exposure of mammal genetic diversity to mid-21st century global change


By Spyros Theodoridis

Climate and land-use change are accelerating and taking their toll on all aspects of biodiversity, from genes, to species, to ecosystems. In response to...

New Forum Editor: Barry Brook

Please welcome our new Forum editor: Barry Brook!

Barry Brook is an ARC Laureate Fellow and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. His research focuses on wildlife ecology, the impacts of land...

Where are all the hummingbirds? Data fusion can tell us

Figure 1. Two chestnut-breasted coronet (Boissonneaua matthewsii) having a discussion about the recent Ecography paper by Zurell et al. 2020 on ‘A standard protocol for reporting species distribution...

Tradeoffs and (lack of) carry-over effects in whimbrel

By Camilo Carneiro

Many migrants distribute over wide regions during the non-breeding season, with individuals that breed a few hundred...

Special issue in Ecography for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The world is facing an environmental emergency, manifested through the joint biodiversity and climate crises. To overcome this massive challenge and promote a more sustainable development, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2021-2030 as...

Treeline ecotone patterns matter

Abrupt (and discrete) treeline composed of Lophozonia menziesii (Nothofagaceae), southern Alps, New Zealand. Photo by M. Y. Bader.


By Johanna Toivonen and Maaike Bader

As treeline researchers, we have been fascinated...

Exploring changes in mammalian population densities in response to humans

By Marlee Tucker

The world is changing. Humans have modified a large proportion of the Earth’s land surface through a range of activities such as urbanisation and the expansion of agriculture. In addition to landscape changes, the presence of...

Climate change - how much land do we need to protect to prevent mass extinctions?

Editor's choice July 2020

For our latest Editor's choice paper, we present this video...

New range estimates for migrating monarch butterflies in Mexico: implementing and interpreting biotic variables and future conservation applications

By Jamie M. Kass, Verónica Juárez-Jaimes, José Juan Flores-Martínez, Víctor Sánchez-Cordero

Range estimates provide crucial and foundational information for conservation assessment and help to delimit areas for prioritization. Even for relatively...

20 000 years of african vegetation change

By Leanne Phelps

Understanding the effects of climate-disturbance-ecosystem interactions is essential for producing accurate predictions of vegetation change. Yet large uncertainties exist in future projections of biodiversity and ecosystem...

NSO journals in COVID-19 times

Dear authors, readers and reviewers,

As the world grapples with COVID-19 we write, above all, to wish you and those close to you continued good health.  These are uneasy times and we wanted to let you know that the editorial office of the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO) is...

European fish stocks on the move

Map of the northeast Atlantic showing the changes in spatial occurrence per species identified by the presence–absence analysis. In each ICES division, the results are showed with a petal plot. Each petal corresponds to a species, and these are ordered from top to bottom by...

Leveraging big citizen science data to understand urban tolerance of bird species

Fig. 1. Three example species, showing their theoretical grouping based on response to urbanization – and their values of VIIRS night-time lights at a continental scale.

By Corey Callaghan

Urbanization is negatively impacting biodiversity...

One thousand camera traps reveal that forest mammal communities have a consistent structure and similar vulnerability across the tropics

By Francesco Rovero

That biological communities in similar environments but distant regions share forms and functions is a known pattern of diversity attributed to convergent evolution. For tropical forest mammals, which include some of the most...

A temporal exploration of food webs using biomonitoring data

Figure 1. Illustration - Exploring the past of a food web.


By Pierre Olivier

Since the very first representation of an ecological network (Camerano 1880), food webs have become an important tool to explore and summarize the...


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